"Be Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit."
Confirmation, considered to be the second of the Sacraments of Initiation, is often celebrated last in the United States for Catholics baptized as children. It is never too late to receive the Grace of this important Sacrament.
"Confirmation is the sacrament by which those born anew in baptism now receive the seal of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Father and the Son. Confirmation, as the sealing of the candidate with the Spirit, is linked with the other sacraments of the Christian Initiation and explain the sealing of the Spirit as preparation for being a witness of a mature Christian life in properly living in the world and extending and defending the faith"-
Apostolic Constitution on the Sacrament of Confirmation (Pope Paul VI)
Google Classroom
ALL Relgious Education Classes normally instructed at SSPJ will now be instructed using Google Classroom, which requires a home computer and internet access.
Matthew Kelly
Decision Point Videos have been moved!
Please click below to link to their pages.
HDO= Holy Day of Obligation
FD= Feast Day
Confirmation Preparation
(7th and 8th Grade)
Confirmation I / II
2024 - 2025 Calendars (pending)
Supporting Documents