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Religious Education

Our Mission:

The Religious Education Department at Saints Philip and James, in alignment with the Diocese of Rockville Centre, is authorized by the Bishop to give direction and support to the catechetical ministry of this local church.  This department remains dedicated in aiding and supporting our parish catechetical leaders; and also calls them to be accountable and responsible for their respective catechetical ministry. 


Being true to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the traditions of Roman Catholic Church, the Religious Education Department strives to develop a balance of services, resources, and guidance which will help all persons to develop a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.  In doing so, it is our hope, that it may help spread the “good news” of our faith, as Apostles of Hope, to our families, our community and the world!

We recognize that Catholic Religious Education (RE) takes many forms: elementary and secondary Catholic schools, elementary and secondary parish schools of religion, religious education programs for students with special needs, adult religious education and home-schooling.  At Saints Philip and James, our RE team is committed to serve and guide those in religious formation. 


                                                                        - Basic Teaching for Catholic Educators, National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Children - Youth - Adults

(includes Individuals with Special Needs)

Children's Ministry -
Living the Gift

Bishop Barres-
What's on
Your Card?
Elementary Schools
Sacramental Preparation

The Holy Mass

Saints Philip and James Religious Education provides a systematic presentation of the Catholic faith through various forms of catechesis.  Our programs are generally distinguished by those offered for children (3 - 13 years old), youth (14 - 17 years old) and adults (18 years of age or higher).


The first and most important Religious Education received at Saints Philip and James is offered every Saturday Evening (Sunday Vigil) and Sunday at Mass.  The Eucharist, the Source and Summit our our faith, is the most powerful way our Catholic parish supports the faith of its members. 

We are brought together as Apostles of Hope, nourished by the Word of God receiving the 'Word made flesh' in Holy Communion.


Coming to Mass with your parents or guardians is the primary way we encourage our children and teens to learn who God is and how to be faithful disciples of Jesus.


Regular Confession is another important practice for the entire family because it is only through forgiveness that we can have lasting peace with God and as a result, peace in our homes.

First Holy Communion and
First Penance Preparation

The sacrament of First Holy Communion and First Penance is a two year program, which First and Second graders begin their formal faith formation and introduction to the mysteries of our Catholic Faith.  During these two years the catechist along with parents, begin to unfold the salvation story of Christ and teach our children to pray. Prayers required to known by heart: The Sign of the Cross, Glory Be, Hail Mary, Our Father and Act of Contrition. 

Please click the "Register Online Now" button to continue your child's  Journey of Faith here at Saints Philip and James.

Continuing education in the Catholic Faith from grades 4th thru 6th is needed to nurture the development of the child's relationship with Christ.  During these years, children will be directly exposed to God's Word in the Bible and Eucharistic Adoration for Children.  
Prayers required to be known by heart will be:

Prayer to Our Guardian Angel, Prayer to Saint Michael, Act of Contrition, Apostle Creed, and Grace (before meals)  

Please click the "Register Online Now"  button to continue your child's  Journey of Faith here at Saints Philip and James.

Third thru Sixth Grade Continuing Religious Education

Confirmation I & II Preparation 

Students in grades 7-12 may celebrate Confirmation after completing two full years in our preparation program. The normal time to receive Confirmation at Saints Philip and James is at the end of 8th grade.


The celebration of this sacrament completes the initiation process begun at Baptism. Confirmation continues the promise made by parents at the Baptism on behalf of their son or daughter. Parents were told on that occasion to make it their constant care to bring up their child in the practice of faith. Preparation for Confirmation means that the baptized child is now ready to move into the larger Christian family of the parish community and the universal church. 

Candidates will be introduced to "The Rosary" and will need to understand the prayers and Mysteries needed to pray it. 


Please click the "Register Online Now" button to continue your child's  Journey of Faith here at Saints Philip and James.

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