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Continuing Religious Education

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades

Grade 4, 5 and 6 Overview

Welcome to our series Alive in Christ! This is an exciting year as we begin with a new series and learn about how we can help to spread the Christian way of life in our world.

Grade 4
The Moral Life and our fourth graders will learn how important it is to love our neighbor and respect others.



Grade 5 
The Seven Sacraments. Our fifth graders will come to learn that the Eucharist unites Christ’s followers to him and to one another. In this way we are living our faith and in each chapter of this series, we look at ways that we can actually live what we are learning.


Grade 6

Our focus is The Word of God in the Old Testament and it is here that our sixth graders – who study ancient civilizations in school see how the Old Testament foretold the coming of Jesus into the world. 

In this way, we are the living Church here at Sts. Philip and James.

Mrs. Luna's

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades

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